Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 768: Reunited.

I could have done tonight’s post about a lot of different things. I thought of doing a reprise of Firepuff, because I visited the friend who first came up with him, I thought of a Catastrophic Sharknado dragon, and I probably could have just done something about how sleepy I was today.

Instead, I’m going to tell you a little story.

As it happens every so often, someone gave me a dragon on Sunday. This dragon, to be precise.


It doesn’t stand very well. Here’s a better photo. (Note the d12 in the background, because I’m a giant nerd.)

So naturally, my first thought about this new dragon was that I would put it with another two-headed dragon I already had. This one:

Here's a 30minute video with a British guy talking about how sweet a figure it is.

Here’s a 3-minute video with a British guy talking about how sweet a figure it is.

However, when I got home, I could not find my firebreather, and had a slight moment of panic. Once I got myself under control, I realized that it was probably at my old office where I worked in 2012 (and still do, though I work out of the home lately). So, I made arrangements to pick it, and a toy Spinosaurus I also had decorating my workspace, up today.

07242013 - Reunited

Finally, here is a quick pic of the two of them in their new, but probably not permanent habitat:


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