Tag Archives: scales
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,420: Storm In A Teacup.
Click to… D’aww! Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,389: Rough Around the Edges.
“I almost gave up on this at first but decided to play around with texture & shading instead. I learned a few things.”
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,371: Good God Amighty.
“Sometimes, looking at scaled creatures, I think that even God just says “fuck it,” and starts a new pattern or starts filling in with irregular shapes that don’t make sense but fill space.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,364: End the Evening.
“Trying to wind down at the end of… not the most productive day, but I don’t know what to draw…” So naturally I started drawing something that got away from me like last night’s sketch- all I wanted was … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,297: Snaking Toward A Goal, Part 2.
Brought the carriage a bit higher and did a bit of thinking about making it just a bit snakier, but I’m pleased with where the Grootslang has gone: I do miss the ears, though, and am a bit hard-pressed … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,274: More Than a Feeling…
So I found myself scribbling around, then drawing a torso which got heavier and heavier. The head was originally going to be crocodilian in shape with the (large) eyes at the top, but then I decided that Protoceratops would probably … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,273: Pokey.
I wish that I had the presence of mind and the time to have done a better job with those flank scales, but I really wanted to do something with those armored pokey bits and it was just looking … Continue reading