Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 646: Evolution, Divergence, Progress.

So right before bed last night (read as: about 20 minutes after yesternight’s post) I had a flash of inspiration for the Directory piece, though I’m not 100% sure how to implement it.

There were more sketches, but this illustrates what I was focusing on the most, especially the chwing action, which might have been a little more of a "cartoony" feel than I wanted that dragon to have.

There were more sketches, but this illustrates what I was focusing on the most, especially the chewing action, which might have been a little more of a “cartoony” feel than I wanted that dragon to have. (Click to enlarge.)

I spent nearly all day today sketching and sketching various poses and attitudes to incorporate it, but nothing that really seemed to work. I even split them apart and made them into hatchlings. They’re actually pretty adorable this way, and the joke reads a a little better. Really, I might just be too attached to the idea of the “conjoined styles” and thinking too narrowly as a result.

04032013 - Separation trade

Aren’t they adorable?

So naturally, I am now thinking of the myriad ways that the two of them (or two dragons like them) could coexist without having to share biological functions (because, y’know, I didn’t have enough to do).

Anyhow, I seem to be allergic to something I bought at the store and have a pounding headache (not to mention the fact that I’ve been sitting at my desk drawing all day, anyway), so…

04032013 - Evolution, Divergence, Progress.

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