Tag Archives: Internets
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,429: Cry For Attention.
If this dragon doesn’t get a bunch of likes/reblogs/whatever I’ll probably get over it but I’ll be kind of sad: I had a rough day today.
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,400: I Can Haz Milestone?
It’s been such a long time since I got caught up I didn’t even realize that this was Online post #1,400. I’d probably have made a bit more of an effort if I had. :/ Continue reading
Okay, so there’s no reason that I should not be able to upload images right now. When I’m not feeling like I should have passed out half an hour ago, I’m going to give my hosting provider what for.
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,296 and a half. Technical difficulties.
Again. I can’t upload images. Sigh. If I didn’t always post so late, I would probably call GoDaddy customer service each time it happened. I’m probably going to do that tomorrow, but right now I’m too tired.
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,273 and a half: Bad Hosts.
Once again, the site is acting up, and I can’t upload images. I’m kind of fed up with this because it seems to happen a lot recently. If I weren’t paid off on my hosting for the next year or … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day online: Day 1,256 And A Half: Technical Difficulties.
So WordPress is updating automatically or something and I can’t upload images tonight. Hopefully it’ll be fixed tomorrow.
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,285: Not Quite a Kick In the Head.
I’ve been nursing this terrible floating (as in it’s been switching places) headache since about 4 Continue reading