Tag Archives: New Year

Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,280: Auld Lang Syne.

From all of us to all of you: Happy New Year! Continue reading

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Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 916: Low Resolution.

Not a great start for the New Year so far. Continue reading

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Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 915: Resolved.

I resolved that I would try and get more sleep in 2014, because I’m always complaining about it. I found myself thinking of this while working.

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Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 554: Home At Last.

It’s a New Year, full of promise, potential, and unrelated dragons. Continue reading

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Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 553: Going Nowhere Fast.

Due to a perfect storm of slight delays, I missed my flight, and rang in the New Year in Alabama. Oh, and gay dinosaurs. Continue reading

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Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 552: Looking Back.

Thinking about where I’ve been and where I’m going in the last days of this crazy ride called 2012. Continue reading

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Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 545: Holiday Spirit.

I’ll be out of town from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve. Continue reading

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