Dragon-A-Day, Day 68

It’s been a longish, not-quite-what-I’d-hoped-for day.

Did some sketching on my way to making characters for a Hero System game (I made a space squid, like from Silverhawks, and while I would be overjoyed to show you what it looked like in the cartoon, because it was awesome, instead I’ve only been able to find pictures of the toy version, which is also pretty badass), went home, then went back out to this Moroccan restaurant for some of the worst service I’ve ever had in my life at a sort of awkwardly-placed dinner party.

It’s a good thing I did do some sketching this morning, because I’m tired and not in the mood for drawing at the moment, and it’s late to boot. So here are some sketches of my personal dragon where I was fooling around with expressions involving his hood and dorsal spines, and messing with hands (he only has 2 fingers, not three).

It’s not my best work, I know.

Now, If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to click on monsters for gold words for an hour or so so I can go to bed in a better mood. Goodnight.

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