Tag Archives: marsh dragon
Dragon-A-Daay Online: Day 832: The Very Bright Side.
So I had my tax class tonight for the first Friday ever (so far, we’ve had web-based days on Fridays, but now we’re getting into complex, multi-sheet aspects of Ye Olde Taxe Code), and the lesson part was kind of … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 615: (Not Quite) According to Plan.
So I didn’t quite make it in time for that dragon contest. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 610: Not Quite There Yet.
… I didn’t get much crossed off of my list today, and didn’t really know what to do tonight, so I fiddled with the Frilled Marsh Dragon again, turning the knees forward a bit and inadvertently making it heavier. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 609: Something About Getting Off of Pots Goes Here.
So I made a To Do List today, and instead of fretting about it, I crossed something off of it tonight. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 607: Building Character.
… in the midst of trying to figure out how all its pieces would fit together, I started fretting about the outside of it. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 605: A(n Inoffensive) Plan, Part 4.
So still picking away at that FMD, trying to make it “cool:” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 604: A(n Inoffensive) Plan, Part 3.
Did You Know? The Frilled Marsh Dragon can see up to four times as well as a human in low-light conditions. Continue reading